Sunday, January 20, 2008


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Ox cart - Cambodia.

Slow progress.

Ox carts like this one are quite common in rural Cambodia. They provide an eminently practical form of transport for farmers but have to compete with trucks for space on the roads.

Fresh is best!

Plastic wrapped Buddha awaits a buyer.

Iconoclastic or practical?

Buddha images in Bangkok are carefully prepared for sale and then wrapped in plastic. There is something disquieting about the meditative serenity of the Buddha covered by a membrane of plastic. These images never fail to catch my attention - you feel as though there is something you should do, but you are not sure what.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

The big dipper.

Dip net fishing - Cambodia.

These huge dip nets, mounted on rafts, were being used to catch schools of small fish in areas flooded by the Mekong during the wet season. They were all made of bamboo and neatly balanced so the net, on a counter balanced arm, could be easily dipped in and out of the water by one person.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Water frontage.

There is no place like home.

A small house on the Mekong flood plain, central Cambodia. (Photo taken September 2006)

In the wet season, this house is well located to take advantage of fishing activities. During the dry season, however, this house overlooks a dry and dusty plain. By December of 2006, all the water had gone there was barely enough feed for a buffalo.

As you can see from the construction of the house, people here are very poor ... although they can somehow afford television.

Larger than life

Priced to sell.

Mannequins wearing price tag chokers on display in an open shop front, Kunming. It seems my wide angle lens had an alarming effect on the mannequin on the right.

A nation of cyclists

Bicycle parking lot.

This photo taken in Kunming in 1995 shows bicycles parked en masse. At that time everyone owned a bicycle and riding through the streets of Yunnan's capital was a lot of fun. Now however, many people own cars and few ride bicycles.